Monday, June 23, 2008

First Posting

Well, here I go. I've had this blog for a while but didn't know where to start. No better time than the present.

The alpaca world is where I will begin. I now have 5 alpacas since the birth of my first born on the farm on June 12, 2008. AND IT'S A GIRL. Never having been around livestock or farm animals other than the traditional family pet this was a great experience. I got to see the birth of Isabella and it was awesome!! It was a problem free birth and she was up and nursing in about 45 minutes. When she hit the ground the first thing I did was check between the legs. I left for a couple of minutes to jump up and down being so happy that it was a girl. Gained my composure and did what needed to be done; cleaned her up, dipped the navel, and got her and momma out of the sun to bond and let nature take it's course. Momma is older and a pro at this since this is her 8th offspring. I wouldn't even want to think of this in the human world.

It is just so amazing to watch the animal world do it's thing. My other female, also an offspring of momma, stood by watching right next to mom. She looked, checked her out, then went about her business. She is now a bit put off since she is pushed away by mom. Prior to the birth she still stuck to her mom like glue - now she is an outsider. Rather sad.

For a bit Isabella was confused as to who was mom and would approach big sister to find the milk bar only to be kicked away. She doesn't make that mistake anymore.

I just love having these animals. It's only been a year and a half but they are so great. Each has their own personalities, quirks, and routines. I have learned that rushing stresses them so they have helped me to slow down and smell the roses. If I change routine with them they look at me as if I have two heads. I'm learning.