Saturday, July 5, 2008

Isabella Fast Forward

Here she is at almost 3 weeks. It's amazing how fast they grow. She's drinking some water, taking a piece of hay or two AND running like crazy. I wish she had a pint size playmate - she tries to get mom to play but she's too tired...she approaches big sister but stops short as she's not sure how this play stuff works with other than mom. She approaches Sassy (big sister) to find that sis doesn't want to be bothered either and puffs up like a scary monster. Better stay away from her!


cyndy said...

She is adorable!

Wish I had half of her energy!

Patty Ludwig said...

Hi Louise,
Love your blog with the videos!!
Very cool!!

Hope all is going well with you and thanks for your comment on our blog. Good to hear from you.

Hope to see you soon